In March 1917, one hundred years ago this month Tsar Nicholas II of Russia was forced to abdicate by his uncles and army officers. An ominous sign for him, no Russian Tsar ever abdicated and lived. His brother Michael was proclaimed Tsar but he refused the throne.

A civilian government took over, arrested Nicholas and his family, they were all shot on 17 July 1918 in the cellar of the old Epatiev House in Ekaterinburg.

In 1998 the Russian Government under President Yelstin gave them a grand National Funeral with full honours, the Russian Orthodox Church made them all martyrs and Saints, the government declared the Tsar and his family victims of Bolchevich violence.

So will President Putin and the Russian government celebrate the 1917 revolution, Lenin and the proletariat? Not likely, in fact the official line of the government is pro-restoration of the Romanov Dynasty and this goes hand in hand with a restoration of the Russian image of itself as a great power. The Russian Orthodox Church has reasserted its power and Putin has returned church buildings and assets to the Orthodox Patriarch who is turn promotes Putin and his policies. The Romanov in exile sense that they could benefit from this anniversary and Putin has bestowed honours and recognition upon them. The truth is that the Romanov dynasty is closely associated with the history of modern Russia and the abysmal record of Lenin and Stalin is a stain on the National history compared to the achievements of the Romanov.


Peter the great who gave Russia its Flag and created the Russian Navy


Catherine the great who created the Hermitage Museum, founded many new cities in Russia and brought the age of Enlightenment.


Alexander I who defeated Napoleon and saved Russia


Nicholas II the last Tsar