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Today is the Birthday of Rome, marking the day when Romulus drew with his plough the Pomerium (boundary) around what is today the Forum, a sacred line in the sand which would be the basis for the State Religion. His brother Remus laughed at him and he killed him for it, so Rome is 2770 years old.  C9xoQRKXsAEhpsK.jpg

Afternoon sun in Rome shining on the fountain of Piazza Repubblica, our home was near this piazza.   


One panel (paint on plaster) of one dining room wall of the imperial villa at Prima Porta of Empress Livia, wife of Emperor Augustus. First century AD. The whole dining room can be seen on the top floor of the Massimo Museum next to Piazza Repubblica in Rome. An enchanting room done with great taste, some 2000 years ago.