Here are some photos of PEI



The famous railway system which was built as a condition for the colony of PEI to join Canada in 1873. This required a Constitutional amendment. In 1989 the entire system was dismantled as not being practical and too expensive to operate. What use to be the railway track was converted into a trail and now you can literally walk or bicycle the long lenght of the Island. At Borden in 1997 the new Sea Bridge was built joining the Island to the mainland at Cap Tormentine.


An old map of Charlottetown showing the docks area. You can see a ferry coming towards the Y shaped wharf at the foot of what is today Prince Street. There are no more ferries docking in that area and the building has been converted into a popular restaurant with great views of the Harbour.


Rock formations found by the beach in PEI in the famous red sandstone with starry night sky.


My favourite lighthouse at Point Prim, signalling the entrance into the harbour, built in 1845 by Isaac Smith. The lights on the far shore is Nova Scotia. In the comments below, who has a wonderful blog on PEI brought some very useful information about this lighthouse. Have a read it is worth it.


Speaking of the Confederation bridge celebrating its 20 Anniversary this year. This photo show a Holland America Cruise ship passing under the central arch of the bridge on its way to the Gulf and the Saint-Lawrence River.
