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Well we are into the Summer now and our weather is not the blistering heat most regions appear to be getting, the average is around 22C which is nice and comfortable and we always have a breeze, sometimes cool.

On the happiest place to live where people say they are happy the most, in Canada the department of Statistics known as STATCAN in Ottawa ranks PEI and Newfoundland an 8 out of possible 10. Quebec gets a 7 and Ontario, British Columbia and Nova Scotia get a 5. This ranking is based on social policies of various provincial government and how people see their lives in that Province, we are talking here of jobs satisfaction,available social services, health services.

So in July, PEI has its own Pride events, the Island Magazine which is Published by the PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation has this cover for the month, which is unusual the covers are more traditional with images of historical places. However the Foundation is being progressive and moves the conversation. This magazine is well read and distributed on PEI. The parade this year will be like all others in the past, lots of families, kids, grandparents and relatives. In the evening at the Delta Marriott there is a big party and many other activities throughout the week. Pride Flags also hang everywhere from restaurants to bars, to businesses to Government Buildings in Charlottetown but also elsewhere in smaller settlements. Though we have had incidents by some bozo who might steal a Pride flag or make a public homophobic statement, in some small towns you may get public officials who waffle with some statement refusing to acknowledge Pride events. They are quickly rebuked by the media and people in general, which is very nice to see.

Our wedding anniversary is coming up in a 2 weeks, we married in 2007 just prior to going to Rome. However we have been together since 1978. Each year we cannot remember the exact date of the wedding.

July is also strawberry time in PEI, again this year they are perfect, heavy perfume, juicy, nice red colour. Got some today at the Farmer’s Market, they came from Penny’s Farm, I do not know who that is but it is a farm nearby.